The benefits of switching to solids
The planet is currently suffering from an unprecedented environmental crisis of plastic pollution.
The cosmetics industry produces 120 billion containers annually, which join the 13 million tons of plastic waste that end up in rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans every year, and which take up to 500 years to degrade.
Therefore, one of the most important environmental actions, and one of the first steps to take to live a more ethical life, is to start replacing or choosing alternatives in plastic-free products.
Eliminate plastics:
Due to their concentration, solids eliminate plastic packaging and come wrapped in biodegradable and compostable materials, or infinitely recyclable such as aluminum, reducing up to 70% of carbon emissions from the cosmetics industry.
Take care of the environment:
Made with natural ingredients that are easily reintegrated into the earth, the solids are biodegradable, vegan and cruelty-free, and do not generate toxic residues found in commercial products, such as parabens, sulphates, silicones or other petroleum derivatives. In addition, 90% less water is required in their production, saving up to half a million litres of water per year.
They last longer:
Solid shampoos and conditioners last 3 to 6 times longer than a bottled product, up to 80 washes, thanks to their concentration.
They save space and are practical:
Solids save space, are lightweight, and since they are not liquids, you don't have to worry about spills or restrictions when taking them on trips in your carry-on luggage.
They promote fair trade:
By purchasing solids, you also support the local economy and fair trade, as they are made from local and natural ingredients, which are traded in the most equitable way for the producers.
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